Axon Protocol (Deluxe Edition) (eng. regler)

Antal spelare: 2 - 6
Speltid: 120 minuter
Rekommenderad ålder: från 14 år
Läs mer på Boardgamegeek
Referens: BAG63115
Tysk/engelsk deluxeutgåva av Axon Protocol.

Hack innocent citizens and fight enemy hackers to maximize your corporation's profit!

Welcome to a cyberpunk game of corporate warfare and brain hacking. You are a powerful hacker in the ranks of a mega-corporation in Nexus City.

Your job: hack into the brains of innocent citizens and manipulate their behavior.

Your goal: wring as many resources out of the citizens as possible and maximize your profit, before the city collapses under the corporate struggle.


Axon Protocol is a game for 2-6 players and features a unique game mechanic called “Shared worker placement”.

Each of the 44 characters in the game is unique with their own routine and skills. Each character can be activated and hacked by every player, so you share a pool with all your opponents. Use unique citizens to generate resources for your corporation. Bring new characters into the game to support your goals. Kill characters that benefit your opponents to destroy their resources, and use a variety of software cards to attack them directly. Make sure your corporation is at the top when the city reaches its breaking point.

Immerse yourself in a dark and dystopian future, with Axon Protocol.

Contains English and German versions

899 kr
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